“Save a Cup” Campaign - 기독뉴스
기독뉴스 전자신문 10...
2024년 05월 07일
뉴스 오피니언 방송사진 커뮤니티 2세뉴스
기사등록 I 독자마당 I 광고후원 로그인 회원가입
  뉴스홈 > 커뮤니티 > 독자마당 > 상세보기 [공개게시판]
독자마당은 독자 여러분들의 생각이나 신앙의 경험을 서로 나누는 공간입니다. 건전한 신앙적 사고를 가진 분은 누구나 참여할 수 있습니다.
제목 “Save a Cup” Campaign 2011-12-30 03:40:31
EAA 트위터로 보내기페이스북으로 보내기미투데이로 보내기 조회:1397     추천:137

Paper Cup Zombie Viruses Attack the U.S.!

Americans throw away about 25 billion coffee cups every year. This means disposable
coffee cups account for 18% of U.S. waste. Have you ever thought about how harmful
these cups can be to our environment?

Most of our coffee cups, even those “eco-friendly” paper cups, contain a material called
polystyrene, a form of plastic that is not bio-degradable, meaning they are harmful to our

Life is short, but coffee cups go forever…

The average life-span of paper cups is estimated to be 500+ years. And as long as they
exist, they release hazardous substances, which pollute the environment.

Not only are paper cups harmful to our environment, they are harmful to our health as
well. When foods or beverages at high temperature are placed in them, it causes the
polystyrene coating to release chemicals that are carcinogenic and raise the probability of
developing cancer. Now, do you still want to use paper cups?

Now, your best friend “a Mug and a Tumbler!”

You can start off by either carrying around a mug or a tumbler. They are designed to be
used at least 3,000 times. That’s an astounding 3,000 paper cups not going to waste,
which has many eco-friendly impacts!
When you first start carrying a mug or a tumbler, it
may feel inconvenient or unfamiliar. However, one small change in your daily routine can
be a huge change for earth. Also, spread the words to your family and friends, and
together we can decrease the amount of paper cups going to waste by astronomical
numbers, which will increase the life-span of earth.


For more information about our campaign, please mail to: eaanyc@gmail.com




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추천 소스보기 답변 수정 삭제 목록
이전글 : 이 봄에 오시는 주님 (2011-12-30 03:39:44)  
다음글 : 큐티 블로그 (2011-12-30 03:41:35)  
  뉴스홈 > 커뮤니티 > 독자마당 > 상세보기 [공개게시판]
다음글 : 큐티 블로그 (2011-12-30 03:41:35)  
이전글 : 이 봄에 오시는 주님 (2011-12-30 03:39:44)  

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